Tuesday 3 October 2017

Healing - Send Healing Energy To Others


When we have self healing to do, and when we are feeling sorry for ourselves, we can get so focused that we forget that there are others out there that also need healing.

Sometimes, the first step to self healing is to look at someone else, and see their pain, or circumstance, and wish for healing for them.  Some rules for this… 1) make sure the person has asked for help and 2) make sure that you are sending the healing from a place of love.  You can always ask someone if they would like you to send them healing energy. An easy way to start is to exchange energy with a friend.

Here are some suggestions for sending healing energy.

1) Find a quiet place to sit, and ask for angel light to surround you to keep you safe.

2) Visualize yourself surrounded in white light or in purple light, so that you see yourself in a big ball of light. 

3) Then invite the person needing healing to step into your healing ball of light.  Hold them there for several minutes. Increase this to five minutes after a week.  The aim is to be kind and helpful, not to play yourself out.

You may notice that after doing this practice for several weeks, that the other person feels lighter, and that you feel a change in your body.

Remember, this information on healing does not replace healing advice from a medical professional. Do consult your doctor if you are in chronic pain or discomfort.


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