Friday 3 October 2014

Spirit Animal - Elephant Tales


When something comes up in your life three times or more in several days, one must pay attention.  What was coming up for me was Elephant.  Elephant was walking through the deserts, jungles, and over the mountains.  She was beating a path for people to follow to find their connection to the Earth.  Greed is not unique to humans. However, the scale of greed and the harm to others is definitely unique to the human species on planet Earth.  The Elephant talks of suffering at the hands of human poachers whose greed leads them to wound Elephant and to cut off their tusks, leaving them to bleed out.

Wherever there is greed, harm will be done to the Earth and to the animals, as well as to humans.  Elephant asks us to stop this sense of entitlement, and to return to being a steward of the Earth. 


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