Monday 2 January 2012

Spirit Animal - Donkey Thoughts


Over the last several days, the picture of a Donkey has popped into my mind, or the word “donkey” has come up in conversation or on the radio.  Because this seems unusual, I gathered that Donkey had a message for me.   In my meditation, Donkey did come in and had some thoughts to share.

  • This is a time to keep your ears open to listen for unusual sounds around you.  Often, one can hear things or hear about things before the “thing” happens.  Your ability to hear will help you move through 2012 with grace.
  • Work on your endurance.  Donkeys are noted for their endurance in harsher conditions.  For you, the conditions will be changing constantly, and you will need to have some survival skills in place by the last half of the year.  Thus, you need to get fit.
  • If you can’t swim, now is a good time to learn this skill.  Swimming is good exercise and allows you to get use to a different environment.  Sinking or swimming – it is all about choices.
  • Keep your feet groomed.  This should be self explanatory.
  • Eyes wide open is the motto for a donkey walking through strange territory.  This is a good time to start practising the skill of observation.  What looks out of place?  Why is it there?  What is the bigger picture?  Start now, and practise.
  • Sleep when you can.  Short naps will help your endurance, and will give you extra physical strength.  Most beings do not get enough sleep.
  • Donkeys are vegetarian.  It is the way our digestive system is set up.  Do not artificially change your diet.  Eat what is good for you and for your digestive system.  Most humans do not tolerate a wide variety of raw.  That is why you invented fire.
  • Take time to commune with Creator.  It will help you remember that we are all connected.

Then, after sharing these thoughts, Donkey brayed goodbye and walked off into the desert.


Judy See the January 2012 Angels’ magazine  “MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE”  at
See our websites: www.;;

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