Saturday 8 October 2011

Spirit Animal - Kodiak Bear


I sat in meditation and breathed slowly sinking into a place of a running river, flowing over and around rocks.  Forest bordered the river about fifty feet from the sides of the river.  I then became conscious of movement to the right of me.  There was a very, very large brownish red bear.  I was startled even though I knew I had nothing to fear. 

I welcomed the bear.  He replied that he was a Kodiak Bear.  He had some sharing to provide to the world.

  • Do not be afraid to let your unique abilities shine through at this time.  Each of us has a different way of dealing with a situation.  The time for you to act is now.
  • Find your mate, and stick with them.  Each of you is drawn to the other so that you both may grow.  It is the way of things. 
  • Use your language and your body stance to defend your position.  It will earn you respect.  Fighting does not earn any  respect, and instead, demeans who you are.
  • Define what you are able to do, what you are good at, and what you are great at.  Pursue the greatness in you.  It emerges at the most appropriate time. 

I thanked Kodiak, and he drifted away.

See the October 2011 Angels’ magazine  at

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  1. What a beautiful bear and what great advice. I needed to hear this today. Thank you!

  2. My friends have been telling me that I am really good at what I do, and that I should be on my own. The words from the Kodiak are reinforcing what they said. Thank you for this.


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