Wednesday 26 October 2011

Angels Speak - The Tiredness That Over Whelms You



Beloveds, we greet you!  We tell you that the great fatigue that you are all feeling is a result of the many changes that are happening in your body, in your etherics, and on the planet.  Yes, everything is going through modifications so that the Earth and each of you will be in harmony with the newness that is happening in the next several months.

Even humans that are not in the spiritual path are feeling that a big change is coming.  Interesting to us is that you all see the change as coming, as in the future.  Really, the change is happening and on going.  Perhaps you see it as the future because humans have trouble being in the now moment.  The Ancestors that existed on the planet even a thousand years ago had more time to be in the now moment.  Everything happened less on schedule and more on flow.

The big change that is taking place is that the magnetic alignment of the Earth and of the Universe, for that matter, is changing.  This means that the magnetic alignment of the human body is also changing.  The tug of war going on in your body is what is making you tired.  You may find that you feel ill, that you are putting on weight unexplainably, or that you are losing weight without reason, or that your vision changes and becomes blurred or quite clear.  All of these symptoms plus many others are contributing to the fatigue.

The solution is to go with the flow of fatigue and rest!  Rest will help you move through this more quickly than anything else.

Rest well and stay in the light.

The Angels

See the October 2011 Angels’ magazine  at

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