Wednesday 27 July 2011

Spirit Animal - Dolphin On Family


Dolphin swims around the shoreline today to bring a message.  Although Dolphin seems very happy-go-lucky, she will be the first to tell you that the family, the pod, is extremely important to Dolphin. 

All dolphins watch out for the young ones, and they will bring food to injured or ailing or older dolphins.  Dolphin says that it is important to remember family roots.  Families can teach one another and support new learning.  This is part of the success of Dolphin and why her kind has survived for ten million years. 

There are many classifications of dolphins, based on whether they have teeth or not, what kind of nose and dorsal fin they have, how they breath, and even the language that they speak.  Dolphin is a chatterer, and loves to talk to other dolphins about anything – fish, swimming, practical jokes, and family.

If Dolphin is coming to visit you right now, it may be that she is bringing you guidance about dealing with family.  The last eclipse was a propeller that started people looking at relationships – friends and family – yet mostly family.   Are there things that you need to heal in your self and in your family?  Are there lineage issues such as diseases or physical issues that need to be resolved and healed at this time?  Is it time to dive into family secrets that have been hidden until now? 

Whatever the message is for you, Dolphin says that you should act before the next new moon.  It is time for healing!

The July Angels Magazine “Summer Freedom” is at

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