Saturday 23 April 2011

Spirit Animal - Coyote–Call on Coyote for Help In Chaos!


The Spirit of Coyote and I had a long chat the other night.  I could not sleep, and Coyote is always restless.  So, we sat down to talk. 

I had some questions.  Like – why do some legends call Coyote by the name, “The Trickster”?  Why is Coyote associated with chaos?  Is Coyote good or bad, and why?

Coyote grinned a lot.  He got comfortable and then he began to talk.  One of the things that he told me was that many animal spirits agreed to be “in service”  and have been given directions by Great Spirit, to try to help mankind.  This was a direction given very early on in the Earth’s history.  Many of the animals, Coyote included, would therefore show up when someone or some peoples were in trouble.

The Spirit Animals would fee the call of the person’s soul, or their prayers, for assistance. The problem became a “chicken and the egg situation”.  When trouble was brewing and Coyote showed up to help, people began to associate Coyote with the problem, and chased Coyote away.  (People did this with Raven, Badger, Wolf and Bear, as well, fearing the Spirits as much as the trouble that they were facing.)

People, with their belief systems, would think that a situation should be resolved or should move in a certain way.  When the situation did not go as they planned, the person would need someone to blame, and would therefore blame Coyote – whom many tribes began to call “The Trickster”.

Coyote has now been called to active duty once again because chaos is in the world again.  Coyote has the antidote for chaos – stay in the moment (like Coyote does), and see the humour and the good in all things.  Realize that one does not control Nature – one works with it.  And, say your prayers or be in meditation on a daily basis.  It is good for the soul.

The April magazine is up at

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