Monday 29 November 2010

Spirit Animal – Owl In The Woods


This picture of an owl comes from an email so the source is unknown.

Owl is a night-time creature so we do not expect to see it during the day.  However, when Owl has pressing messages, she will fly at any time.  Owl has these messages to share.

“Owls have very good vision.  It is time to practice improving your vision.  Do not look only ahead.  Look to the sides.  Increase the flexibility of your neck and shoulders, and learn to look behind you.  What comes up behind you is as important as what is ahead.”

“Owls sit in the branches of trees and watch the ground to spot tasty morsels to eat.  This is also a good way to observe the patterns of animal  life on the ground.  Take time to get up high or to step back ten paces from your life so that you can see your daily routine objectively.  What is it that you do over and over that gives you no pleasure and no gain?  Why do you do it?  What old pattern drives this?  Think about what you can do differently.”

“Owls operate best at night and in the early morning because that is our high energy time.  Do you shun the night and the early morning?  This is the high energy time for humans too.  You feel the pull of the Sun and the pull of the stars and planets.  This is the time to gather the energy of peace.  Try changing your routine for three months to see when you feel like you have more energy and will.  Do you feel better on your current routine or getting up earlier, for example, at 5:30am?”

Watch for the December Magazine at  Check out the meditation timer on the home page and use it to time your meditations.


  1. I was brought to your blog from google while looking for owl photos, would you mind if i use this photo for an inspiration of a painting, I know you said its from an email, so i wasn't sure of whom to ask permission, if you would rather me not thats just fine, your blog is beautiful and we share some same feelings,

  2. Laurie, I love that you are inspired to do a painting of OWL. Please use this as you need, knowing that I am not the owner of the original picture. Blessings, Judy


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