Sunday 24 October 2010

Spirit Animal – Dogging It!

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One of the things that a dog knows how to do best is “sleep”.  I have read that a dog sleeps sixty to seventy percent of the time because the other thirty to forty percent is all that it needs to hunt for food.  Dog says, however, that sleeping is not just about resting – it is about healing and helping the body to use the food that Dog has eaten.  The proper digestion of food, and the clearing of toxins from Dog’s body, happens best when Dog is resting or sleeping. 

Dog says that the original expression “dogging it” meant that one followed the guidance of dog for eating.  This means eating only until you are full, eating that which is healthy for you, and drinking lots of water.  It also means resting after eating to allow the stomach to handle the food with all of the available energy of the body. 

Humans, according to Dog, eat far too much and do not allow enough time for digestion.  Having one big meal a day provides Dog with all the nourishment that Dog needs, and keeps Dog in trim shape.

Dog also says that by sleeping more, all dogs have a chance to be in dream time and have more time with their guides and to have experiences in different dimensions.  In dream time, Dog, like humans, spends time with the Higher Self to learn what lessons are needed or what work (service) needs to be done.  It is this guidance that has led Dog to become a “seer”, a “hearer”, and a guardian for humans.

Dog says that if you have a dog as a pet, that you should listen to it.  If the dog is over weight, it is taking on your problems and blockages, and that it is time for you to clear yourself, and that will clear your pet.

Better yet, take your dog for a walk!

Saturday/Sunday, November 20-21, 2010, 9:30am to 4:30pm both days
This is a comprehensive workshop that goes to the heart of how crystals work with light and our bodies for healing, balancing, and much more. See more about the workshop here.

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