Sunday 5 September 2010

Spirit Speaks - Willingness


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My word of the day from the Angels is the word “willingness”.  Merriam-Webster dictionary online provides the meanings of willing as:

1: inclined or favourably disposed in mind : ready <willing and eager to help>

2: prompt to act or respond <lending a willing hand>

3: done, borne, or accepted by choice or without reluctance <a willing sacrifice>

4: of or relating to the will or power of choosing

As I meditated on the word “willingness”, I wondered why that was coming up for me.  I believe that I am very willing to be in service to the Universe.  I help others.  I teach others.  I go where I am called.

As I thought about these things a picture began to form in my mind of several occasions in the last while where I was reluctant to answer “the call” because the call was to do several difficult things.  I did go, but very slowly.  For once, my impatience to do something was curbed.

I was beginning to see why the word was coming up in my meditation.  I have been willing, in the past, to do the difficult tasks as well as the easy tasks.  In fact, I seemed to thrive on the difficult.  So, what had caused the change for me?  I asked for clarification of my reluctance, and I saw, on the screen in my mind, that during those reluctant times, I was tired, and I had been faced with some family issues, and, I had not been doing long, strong meditations to stay feeling happy and in condition to face any challenge.

So, there is an underlying message in the word, “willingness”.  Behind the reminder that I am in service was the reminder to keep myself whole so that I can be a willing light worker. 

May you find your place and your willingness to be in service. See the September magazine online at   See my other blog for more technical information.

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