Tuesday 20 July 2010

Spirit Speaks – Crow Chatter


Yesterday, the dogs and I were walking along Fish Creek, enjoying the sounds of the birds and the rustling of the trees as the leaves that surrounded us.  Then, the serenity was ripped apart by the sound of raw cawing, and a big black crow came and sat in the tree close to us.  She cawed some more.  Then as we moved away from here, she jumped up in the air and flew beside us and then ahead of us, cawing.  She came to rest at the top of a tall tree.

She cawed again, and another crow joined her.  They were now making quite a racket.  I realized that the noise was bothering me so I knew that there was a message in the chatter that I needed to pay attention to.  I know that Crow is often called the messenger of the Gods and Goddesses, and that Crow is the Spirit Animal for the Wisdom Keepers as is Owl.  Where Owl prefers the night, Crow prefers the day, and therefore can contact people in daylight. 

I watched Crow, and saw that she was at the top of a tree.  She was up high, looking down on the detail of the forest.  She looked around, and then looked at me.  I got a buzzing in my head. So, one of her messages was:

“Look around!  Do see the whole story, and observe the details, yet do not get lost in them.  Look at all that is going on around you – good, bad, indifferent.  If you shut yourself off from things, you will ignore the bigger story that is going on around you.  You do create your own reality by including and excluding “things” from your life.”

As soon as I got this message, Crow cawed some more, and several more crows joined her.  She was calling a gathering or a council.  She looked at me.  I looked back and smiled.  Her message this time was:

“No one can do everything by themselves.  It is good to have a council of friends that you can draw on for discussion, advice, and for fun.  Perhaps it is time for you to call in your council.”

I have been getting other messages and signs that I should be calling in my Council of Twelve.  I will do that today, and find out what it is I need to know.  Perhaps it is time for you also to call in your council.



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