Friday 25 June 2010

Angels Speak – Be Kind!


Good Advice

Whatever you wish to speak to anybody, let it pass through three gates:-

The Gatekeeper at the first gate asks “Is it true?”

The Gatekeeper at the second gate asks “Is it necessary?”

The Gatekeeper at the third gate asks “Is it kind?”

If what you wish to say to anybody can pass through these three gates then say it. Otherwise, it is better to keep silent!



I am posting this today, to remind each of us to be kind.  My Angels tell me that there is more unkindness to others than we can imagine.  It seems that  greed and meanness are especially prevalent in this time of turbulence.  Fear is typically the underlying reason why people go out of their way to cause trouble for others – fear that if the person does not divert interest in him/her self to someone else, that something dire will happen. 

Most conversation in the world is not necessary.  People can get along in happy, companionable silence with themselves, and with one another.  Try being quiet at some point.  The point of being quiet is to get to know one’s self more deeply.  More and more people are going on silent retreats, whether to a retreat center of some sort, or out alone in nature, camping and enjoying their own company. 

The Angels say, “Be kind to yourself and to others.  It makes all the difference in your quality of life!”     Sign up for our free first of the month magazine at

Watch for the July 1 2010 issue over the next few days at

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Thanks for reading this blog post. Sharing is good if it is kind and either has questions or tells about an experience.
