Monday 19 April 2010

Tarot Discussion – What North Americans need to know this week – April 19 2010

Today, when I asked this question, I used the deck called “World Spirit Tarot” written by: Jessica Sczuka Godino & Lauren O'Leary.  We have had so many strange occurrences on the planet in the last week, most notably the eruption of the volcano on Iceland, that I was curious to see what else we North Americans may need to know.  I used a “Past, Present, Future” spread and here are the results.

The Magician In the Past position

We in North America have an astounding array of technology.  This is like being a magician.  We work in hidden ways with our technology, and, not always for the good of all concerned.  We have trusted the technology, perhaps too much in some cases, and we have created a false sense of security in our lives.  We have had unlimited power to manifest and to change our destiny, however, we have never used it.  Now is the time, is the reminder built into this card. 

The Empress  In the Present position
The message in this card is that now is the time to start taking care of ourselves!  Now is the time to get in touch with all of the earth, for we are all connected.  This card warns us to follow our instincts, like our four legged relations do, and to trust that instinct over what others tell you because other people have their own agenda.   In return for the guidance that Mother Earth gives you, you must provide a payment of sorts because all of the world and universe works on balance.  So, your payment is reciprocal for what you received.

Nine of Swords  In the Future position

The Nine of Swords  is taking us into the future to tell us that all that we fear has a strong probability of coming true.  What we think is what we manifest.  Therefore, the warning is to change the way you think – to see things positively, and with the greatest and highest good as the outcome.  See yourself getting all the food, shelter, rewards, or whatever it is that you fear that you will not get. Again, the dream time will give you true warnings of the times that you will need to prepare for.  Do not despair; see the beauty in all things.

Begin to get in touch with the Oneness.  Now is the time!   See the April Magazine online at .  See for Roger’s new book The Story of Light Volume 11: Through Heaven’s Gate.

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