Tuesday 27 April 2010

Archangel Speaks – Archangel Azrael

Dearest ones, when I see where you all are walking, the path looks filled with gravel and small rocks.  This is a time of moving from one thing to the next.  As you all describe your life journey as a path, it seems reasonable to see this time as a gravel path that crosses a large plateau. Depending where you are on the plateau, it may seem that the crossing is longer for some than for others.  There is little to break the journey.  If you have ever travelled a gravel road in a car, you will know that you are not able to go too fast, for you might catch the ridge of gravel and go into the ditch.  Also, if you go too fast, you may create a dust storm that swirls around you, and blinds you, and clogs up your car. 


Gravel road on a flat plain


This gravel path that you are on is one that you must travel slowly.  There are some very large stones in the way that you must either walk around, or move off the road so that this path may be traveled more easily next time.  Often, under each stone, or in some cases, boulder, you will find treasure.  Oh, not the treasure of the Aztecs gold, or anything like that! The treasure is the gift of the action, and the situation around it. 

For some of you, the chunks of gravel may be inaction – a lull in all that you are doing.  This may be frustrating, however, it is necessary for you to sit and absorb the new vibrations that are coming into your etheric templates, and then the vibrations will become part of your bodies. There are some of you that will not be able to hold the vibration and ground it.  The vibration will call you home and I will be there to help you with the change in being, and delight in walking you to your new path. 

The creation of new things is about closing the old and allowing for the new.  Now is the time to allow.  This means sitting quietly each day, and being content – think of nothing but those small pleasures that relax your body and mind, and feed your soul. Even reading is an activity that will move you along the path to new things.

I am often called “The beginning and ending” angel because I help the transition from your mortal body.  Beginnings and endings are really all part of the symphony, and I am the conductor.  Do you often hear music?  This may be the songs or the music that I and the other Angels play for you to help you smooth out the patterns and rhythms in your life.  Take time to make music, to learn and to create.  This is the reason for the gravel path; it is to slow you down.

Harmonious Blessings and Love,

Archangel Azrael

Judy@angelsandancestors.com   See the May Magazine online at  www.angelsandancestors.com/newsletter/mag1005.pdf.

In This Issue:
Pioneering The New Earth and Money …5
The Importance of Breath….7
How To Search Google Like An Expert…15
Headache Relief: Energy Healing Techniques…19

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