Sunday 3 January 2010

Tarot Discussion – Past Lives, Card 18 of the Osho Zen Tarot

Zen Tarot Card

Picture of the Past Lives card from OSHO’s Zen Tarot Deck



Back in 1988, Dr. Brian Weiss wrote a book called “Many Lives, Many Masters” in which he tracks one of his client’s experience with remembering past lives.  Many of us read this book.  For some of us, it resonated and we too began to remember past lives.  For others of us, it simply reinforced what we already knew, that there were past lives that we had lived and that this life time, we have the chance to close some of the circles of unfinished business.

When this card came up for me today, it reminded me that meditation is not simply about “no-thing”.  Sometimes, meditation is about intense focus to allow our subconscious to connect to our conscious mind, and to pass on information.  We are all journeying.  Some of us for many, many lifetimes.  Osho’s commentary struck home for me….

Everybody can penetrate to the past life, or many past lives. But for that you have to go deeper into your meditation, for two reasons: unless you go deeper, you cannot find the door to another life; secondly, you have to be deeper in meditation because if you find the door of another life, a flood of events will come into the mind. It is hard enough even to carry one life....

A glimpse into the eternity of our existence is a gift, and understanding the function of karma in our lives is not something that can be grasped at will. This is a wake-up call; the events in your life are trying to show you a pattern as ancient as the journey of your own soul. ~~Osho~~

I realize that there are some things I need to remember in order to do the job that I came to do this lifetime.  I need to remember to complete my “Earth Mission”.  Perhaps this card will also remind you of what it is you need to do. 

May you successfully complete it in 2010.  See my January newsletter for 2010 at

See the write up for the New Moon meditation at

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