Monday 11 January 2010

Tarot Discussion – Morality

My question for today was, “What kind of shift is the Earth going through now?”

The response from the cards was “Morality” which is card 32 in the Osho Zen Tarot Deck.  The picture of the card is below.



Osho’s commentary on this card is: Morality has restricted all the juice and energy of life to the narrow confines of this woman's mind. It can't flow there, so she really has become 'a dried up old prune.' Her whole manner is very proper and stiff and severe, and she is always ready to see every situation as black and white, like the jewel she wears around her neck.
The Queen of Clouds lurks in the minds of all of us who have been brought up with rigid ideas of good and bad, sinful and virtuous, acceptable and unacceptable, moral and immoral. It's important to remember that all these judgments of the mind are just products of our conditioning. And whether our judgments are applied to ourselves or to others, they keep us from experiencing the beauty and godliness that lies within. Only when we break through the cage of our conditioning and reach the truth of our own hearts can we begin to see life as it really is.

When I look at all of the scandals that are being brought into the open, whether they are political, corporate, or personal (where the individual is a role model), or a combination of any of these, it seems that Mother Earth is going through a morality shift.  In fact, some of the discussions or acts around Tiger Woods actions and the consequences of these actions, reinforce Osho’s words about judgments.  I find it interesting, however, that people in general, are starting to express that they think lying and cheating and bullying are simply not the influence that they want for either themselves or their children. 

The   talks about the definition of morality:

1. conformity to the rules of right conduct; moral or virtuous conduct.

2.moral quality or character.

3.virtue in sexual matters; chastity.

4.a doctrine or system of morals.

5.moral instruction; a moral lesson, precept, discourse, or utterance.

We, the citizens of planet Earth are becoming more concerned with “right conduct”.  Any action that is intentionally harmful to many is against right conduct.  However, right conduct has many meanings to individuals, depending on upbringing, religious background, training, and life experience.  Or, as Osho says, how we view morality is a product of our conditioning.  Do we move forward past 2010 with a new definition of morality?  I think not.  I believe that we will finally all adhere to the heart’s reaction to a situation and know, in our heart, what right conduct is.  And, everyone will respond in a similar manner - “with harm to none”.    New moon meditation conference call on Friday January 15th at 7:30pm Mountain time.  See details at 

Hear November and December 2010 New Moon meditations at

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