Saturday 23 January 2010

Spirit Speaks – Purification



Sacred Geometry Purification Mandela from




Today, when I started my meditation, the word that popped up for consideration was “purification”.  I thought that the word was an odd one to show up just before two sessions with clients.  I asked my guides and Great Spirit for clarification.  Nothing!  I looked up the meaning at Merriam-Webster online, and found this definition of purify.

Main Entry: pu·ri·fy  Pronunciation: \ˈpyu̇r-ə-ˌfī\  Function: verb   Inflected Form(s): pu·ri·fied; pu·ri·fy·ing  Etymology: Middle English purifien, from Anglo-French purifier, from Latin purificare, from Latin purus + -ificare –ify  Date: 14th century

transitive verb : to make pure: as a : to clear from material defilement or imperfection b : to free from guilt or moral or ceremonial blemish c : to free from undesirable elements intransitive verb : to grow or become pure or clean

I read the definition and I still did not get it.  So, I went and did my two sessions, and then came back to the puzzle of the word.  I then had an “Aha!” moment.  In both sessions, one of the issues was around being angry at a situation, or a person, or at life, and then feeling guilty about feeling angry.  The guilt then played on the person’s mind, and caused a moral dilemma. Cognitive dissonance (meaning - psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously) resulted as the person struggled with past teachings and current behaviour.  The outcome is illness.

I realized the synchronicity of the word “purification” in this situation because of what we know about contaminated water. 



Picture of Brita water filter jug from



When we drink water that is contaminated, whether that be by fertilizer, pesticides, manufacturing sludge run off, or even a dead animal, we will more than likely become ill. To avoid that outcome, we work very hard to ensure our water is pure. 

We also need to take those same actions in our daily life, and purify our minds.  If we continue to let harmful thoughts build up, they create a toxic environment in our body, similar to if we had been drinking toxic water, or eating toxic food.  

Let go of all of the negative things that you have heard and that you have said.  Wipe it clean, as though you were cleaning a window. Let it go!  Purify!   See the updated “Making Meditation Joyful” workshop at

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