Tuesday 12 January 2010

Angels Speak – Healing Past Hurts

I was reading a meditation today that said, “the human heart does not stay away too long from that which hurt it most.  There is return journey to anguish that few of us are released from making.” - Lillian Smith                              image

The quote made me think of all the clients that I've seen who have an illness or a block that stems from an incident in childhood.  When we are children, the strongest people in our lives are our parents.  And, because they have not resolved all of their issues, they often hurt the child inadvertently, or, in some cases, purposefully.  Because our parents did not know how to resolve their issues, they are no help in resolving a child's issues.

When of the largest categories of books in a bookstore or library are self help books.  This is because of many of the unresolved in people today.  I have read my share of these books.  One of the common themes is that if you don't resolve these hurts then you will remain in victim hood.

So, what is an easy way to heal past hurts? For me, the easiest way is to throw the hurt into the fire.  I am using a fire ceremony to do this because it is simple and it feels so good.  If the fire ceremony does not completely clear the hurt, then I use an affirmation.  My affirmation is “I forgive myself for believing that I ever did anything wrong”.  This affirmation is based on the idea that one’s life is perfect and that each action is perfect in the moment for whatever part of the bigger picture we each play.

May you find a way to heal all your hurt.

Judy@angelsandancestors.com    New moon meditation conference call on Friday January 15th at 7:30pm Mountain time.  See details at http://www.angelsandancestors.com/workshop.html#newmoon

Hear November and December 2010 New Moon meditations at http://www.angelsandancestors.com/flash/player/audioPlayer.html

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