Tuesday 29 December 2009

Ancestors Speak – Healing a Cold

image    Picture of a cold comes from www.medicinenet.com 

In Calgary, in December, especially around Christmas, people quite often have colds because the weather is so changeable, they may not dress correctly for the fluctuations, and it is so easy to catch a cold from someone else. 

This thought raced through my brain as I drove home from the grocery store after having been sneezed and coughed on by at least six people.  Sometimes a sneeze comes out so fast you simply do not have time to get your arm up to block it.

So, when I got home, I did some research in one of my favourite books – The Five-Elements Wellness Plan A Chinese System for Perfect Health by Barbara Temelie.  And, yes, the small type in the title is part of the title. 

I found the discussion of the cold on page 146, and what she said made sense to me. She talks about the effect of cold or “a cold” on the body as closing the pores.  To release the cold, the pores must be open, and the person must be sweating.  The Chinese Ancestors recommend ginger tea and hot alcohol such as hot spicy wine for a head cold. A rice dish with leeks and onions and hot spices will open up the lungs to strengthen the body’s natural immunity. 

Although I am not much on spicy wine, I love ginger tea.  And, this morning, I woke up with a head cold. I drank lots of ginger tea, took Vitamin C and D, and ate soup with rice and leeks and onions.  By tonight, I am feeling much better. I hope that the cold will be completely gone by tomorrow. 

If you try this, let me know how it works! 

Judy@angelsandancestors.com   See our January meditation for contemplation at www.angelsandancestors.com 

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