Wednesday 7 October 2009

Client Case File – Chaos

Before anything is brought back into order, it is quite normal for it to be brought first into a kind of confusion, a virtual chaos.  In this way, things that fit together badly are severed from each other; and when they have been severed, then God arranges them in order. – Emanuel Swedenborg (one of the early theorists about chaos, and the role that it plays. Wikipedia notes that …. February 8, 1688 to March 29, 1772 - was a Swedish scientist, philosopher,  Christian  mystic, and theologian. Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and scientist)


From – picture of a damped pendulum displaying chaos theory

The definition of Chaos, from the Merriam-Webster dictionary is: “a state of things in which chance is supreme; especially : the confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms —  b : the inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a complex natural system (as the atmosphere, boiling water, or the beating heart) -- 3 a : a state of utter confusion <the blackout caused chaos throughout the city> b : a confused mass or mixture <a chaos of television antennas>”

I give you this quote and the definition to help you understand that chaos is real, has been identified some four hundred years ago, and seems to play a big role in change.  This was demonstrated in a client case.  A lady, mid forties, came to see me with numerous problems.  One main issue for her was that she had sprained her ankle while at a symphony jazz recital.  She had, apparently, mis-stepped when she was going down the steps at intermission. 

The two things that were notable was that, one, the ankle was not healing, it seemed, after a month time period went by.  And, two, the problematic ankle seemed to be the beginning of a series of challenges that made life seem difficult and that resulted in her feeling as though the whole world disliked her, and was against her.  Swedenborg, noted that when things get chaotic, a space opens up that allows God, or Great Spirit, to move in and create order.

In this particular case, the women seemed to be moving into a place of greater spirituality.  In the past, she had tried a few things, and then quit doing them because nothing seemed to grab her and make her excited.  It seems that her Angels and Guides were trying to reach her, and to get her to do more (actually any) meditation and prayer on a continuous basis so they would have permission to help her change those things that she was wanting to work on.  However, she wasn’t meditating and in her prayers, she was asking for stuff for others.

When we are not moving on the path that is in our blueprint, then life seems tough, and full of challenges.  When that happens, generally an accident or illness happens to put us into a place where we are forced to make changes. 

In this case, this lady finally felt so badly – discontent, unhappy, upset, and was unable to sleep through the night – that she decided to look for a healer that would be able to help her shift some of the “pain”. 

While I was working on her, we actually had to shift a past life that happened about one thousand years ago. In this lifetime, she was very much in love with a young man.  She was killed in a robbery before the young couple could do anything about their relationship.  She came back quickly, and reconnected with him, although there was a seventeen year age difference.  Although she met him, and was able to be in his life for a while, they could not fulfill any relationship because he was hauled away by the Church soldiers for beliefs contrary to the Church’s stand.  And, she never saw him again.

She carried this ache for this unfulfilled relationship through many lifetimes, until in this lifetime, it created chaos for her.  The wishing for something that was not meant to be did interfere with her attaining things that were possible. 

This block is now cleared through the Akashic records, and she will be able to go on with some clarity.  Other issues will arise, certainly! However, she will not grieve over that lost time in her life.  See our special… November Only - Special:  2009 10 cry_copperboard2t_350x195_000033 copy 2 hour Copper Board, Crystal Layout, and Channeling Session  with Roger for only $100.00.  Sorry – in Calgary only.  To see more about this modality, click on CopperBoard.

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