Wednesday 9 September 2009

Ancestors Speak – Sept 9, 2009 (9.9.9)

Today is a special day – the day of “nines”.  The number nine has many different meanings in different cultures and mythologies.  Some of the meanings of “nine” that I am familiar with are: completion, attainment, realization, regeneration, spirituality, dreaming, mystery.  Some of these meanings are used within the various tarot decks that are available. The following information on 9’s comes from Carl Calleman’s site, and his discussions on the Mayan Calendar.  Please read the rest of the article on his website.

The number nine has been endowed with a special significance in many different spiritual and religious traditions. Nine was the number of muses in Greek mythology and Nine were the number of worlds in the Scandinavian. Nine was the number of doors to the holiest part of the temple in Jerusalem and the month of Ramadan is the Ninth in the Muslim calendar. Moreover, the counting system used by most of the world today includes nine numbers and so the relevance of this number is much ingrained in us. Also, in the Mayan tradition the number Nine plays a predominating role. The only existing inscription from ancient times that discusses the meaning of the Mayan calendar “end date” for instance speaks of Nine “deities” that will descend then as its crucial event. This would in modern wording mean that Nine energies, or Nine cosmic forces would fully manifest then since the ancient Maya would look upon time periods as “deities”. As far as we can tell these “deities”, or cosmic forces, are like evolutionary wave movements, built on top of one another where we are currently riding on the eighth one getting ready to ride on the ninth.

The Nine Cosmic levels (Underworlds) that according to the only existing Mayan inscription about the calendar end date (Tortuguero monument 6) will manifest then. Currently we are in the eighth level (The Galactic Underworld) gearing up to the Ninth and highest level, the Universal Underworld. Photo of the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal by the author.)  FROM

My experience with this energy portal of 9.9.9 began about 1:30am this morning and continued until about 4:30am.  I could feel energy raining down on me, and it had a different vibration than anything I have seen so far.  When I asked my guides what the energy was, they responded that it was the vibration of “divinity”, without gender, offered as a strengthening of the link between Creator and the Creator in each of us, so we may begin the next phase of co-creation.  I believe that everyone has been feeling the intensity of this new vibration since about the beginning of September, and that the intensity has increased up until today, when it has the strongest sending of any day before it.   I felt the deep love of the sending, the peacefulness, and found myself chanting various meditations such as the Buddhist chant of loving kindness and the 23rd Psalm. I am happy and grateful that I was aware during the downloading and anchoring of this energy in me.  I hope, for each of you, that the energy is a loving and kind integration of changes into your body. September newsletter issue 3 12 is now online at

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