Thursday 27 August 2009

Tarot Discussion – Osho Card IX - Aloneness


  From the OSHO Zen Tarot Deck – Card IX – Aloneness


I was wondering why I had relatively few clients this week.  Although I am enjoying the time to work on writing and fall food prep, I wondered if I was missing something.  Then I pulled this card on “Aloneness”. The message resonated deeply for me.  Perhaps you too will find a message that fits for you in this very strange time and strange energy encompassing the Earth.

“ Loneliness is a negative state. You are feeling that it would have been better if the other were there - your friend, your wife, your mother, your beloved, your husband. It would have been good if the other were there, but the other is not. Loneliness is absence of the other. Aloneness is the presence of oneself. Aloneness is very positive. It is a presence, overflowing presence. You are so full of presence that you can fill the whole universe with your presence and there is no need for anybody.


When we find no support among others for our deeply felt truths, we can either feel isolated and bitter, or celebrate the fact that our vision is strong enough even to survive the powerful human need for the approval of family, friends or colleagues.
If you are facing such a situation now, be aware of how you are choosing to view your "aloneness" and take responsibility for the choice you have made.
The humble figure in this card glows with a light that emanates from within. One of Gautam Buddha's most significant contributions to the spiritual life of humankind was to insist to his disciples, "Be a light unto yourself." Ultimately, each of us must develop within ourselves the capacity to make our way through the darkness without any companions, maps or guide.”

May you understand that you are never alone.     See info on Karma clearing under Services at  See our “Book Department” for recommended reading.


  1. Beautiful Judy, another profound Osho card pulled and I am happy for the message it has for me also! In Light,

  2. Thanks Samantha. My hope when I write a blog is that others will find either the same message that I did, or, that they find a different message. I believe that we are all connected and that the writing is for all of us. Blessings, Judy


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