Saturday 25 April 2009

Spirit Animal – Lobster


Picture of lobster from Wikipedia 

Judy’s note:  Sometimes, I hear an animal calling to me to have me write a blog about them as a spirit animal.  Two days ago, I heard Lobster call.  I thought I was mistaken because I have never heard of anyone getting a message from Lobster.  Since then, Lobster has sent me two more signs and symbols reminding me to do a blog.  Enjoy!


Lobster hatches from an egg, and then, over five years may shed its shell up to 25 times – which equals 5 transformations per year.  She also swims exceptionally well, and will stay at the top of the water for the first month before moving to permanent residence at the bottom of the ocean.  As a youngster, Lobster hides in the dark crevices of the ocean floor to avoid being eaten by larger predators. 

As Lobster becomes an adult, it becomes more territorial, and hides and moves furtively to hunt for food.  In most areas of the ocean, a hundred or so different species may provide food for Lobster.   Because Lobster swims well, it may cover a square mile at maturity, marking the edge of its territory.  As Lobster is not fussy, and eats food that is either fresh or has been dead for awhile.  It will even eat its own sheddings erasing any evidence of its existence to ocean life around it.

Lobster is a messenger animal that focuses on the Root chakra, and our connection to the Earth.  If Lobster shows up to talk to you, then she is asking you to get grounded.  Remember that currently your survival (the primal needs of the root include food, shelter, and safety) comes from what is produced on the Earth. Lobster also reminds us to eat locally rather than have exotic foods that are not nurtured in our area of residence.  Local food enhances one’s connection to Nature.

Lobster’s colours are also about connection to the Earth and blending in to the ocean bottom, to colourful coral, and to camouflage itself as it hunts.  The colours and the growing process of Lobster is about transformation and growing into new identities.  Lobster does not stay stuck in one persona, and she encourages us to constantly move through life and new processes to recreate ourselves.

When you see Lobster, a surprising feature is that she has ten legs including her claws.  This is about sacred numbers for ten is the universal number of unity.  In the Sacred Texts, the Universal Law of 0 to 9 states that everything flows out from Creator in ten steps and then flows back to Creator, the Source.  She then is a reminder that we may live for 10 times 10 years or one hundred years, yet all must return to Source.

Lobster has large pincers for catching and holding food, for fighting  and to help it move up coral or plants.  Her nature is aggressive and each fight with another lobster is to the death.  She urges you to be more aggressive and focused in what you are doing and in fulfilling goals.  Lobster teaches us about survival, and that one needs to be fit, and of the importance of understanding one’s environment.  The lesson is about surviving, regardless of the challenges.

May you meet Lobster and walk with her as she teaches you.   Sign up for our free May newsletter at

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