Friday 26 December 2008

Ancestors Speak - Orbs











Picture of orbs in Judy and Roger's back yard taken by our friend Caro, and used with permission.

Orbs are happy things!  It seems that they appear in our house and our yard when ever there is something very happy, joyful, or very spiritual going on.  I have seen pictures where the Orbs seem to be sitting and waiting for someone to come and discover what ever the Orb is sitting.  A good example was the Orbs waiting in an old barn in South America for someone to come and find the 1940's cars, mostly in new condition.  Making that discovery would indeed be a happy time!

The Orbs above appeared after a day of workshop that I was teaching.  I could hear them and feel them in the house and I knew that they would be stronger in the yard.  I said that if anyone wanted Orb pictures, now would be a good time.  I hear the orbs as a very high pitched hum or frequency disturbance. 

Our Ancestors, in Norse, Celtic, and Greek traditions, claimed that Orbs were Faery lights, or were souls who had not crossed over, or were impish spirits sent to spy on the humans. 

When Orbs appear to us, it seems that they are drawn by the light and the energy, and that they want to be part of the celebration.  They feel organic and intelligent, with a sense of goodness about them.  It seems, the ones we see, are similar to us in energy and are from a different time and space.

We were simply delighted to have all this little visitors hanging out around the deck in the trees.

May you have new light in your life!       See also:

Karma Files - Skills of the Mind;
Orbs in Our Yard on June 16 2008

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