Wednesday 31 December 2008

101 Wishes for New Year's

Picture of a lit candle from Microsoft Clip Art.....j0422321 

"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however. " - quote by Richard Bach

In 1991, after taking a sales training course, I started the year off with making a list of 101 wishes that I had for the coming year.   I still do this!  On New Year's Day, I will sit down and write out my 101 wishes, and as I achieve them, I will check the item off as complete.

The first several years that I worked on this task, it actually took me several days to complete the list.  You see, being younger, and knowing that I must wish only for those things that were entirely for me, it seemed like a difficult task.  The object is not to be selfish.  The object is to wish for the one person that you can be absolutely certain that you have permission to select "goals" for.  When you wish something for others, without their permission, you are actually interfering in their lives by thinking that you know what is best for them.  That is pretty egotistical!  It is easy to wish things for others.  However, when you run into difficulty in wishing stuff for yourself, like I did, what you are seeing is that you are not comfortable asking for things for yourself.  Becoming comfortable asking for wishes, help, or even defining what it is you need, is a learning curve of stepping into one's own power.

What if what ever we asked for for ourselves automatically benefited ten other people?  Would it be easier?  The answer is no.  Because we know other people are directly involved, we become even more reluctant to wish something for ourselves - because we might make the wrong choice.  Let me make one thing clear.  Our Angels tell us over and over that there are not any wrong wishes.  Even though someone on the outside may judge a wish as "wrong", what that person is really saying is that it is a wrong wish for them, and yet it is the perfect wish for you.  We are individuals.  Everything that we wish has ripple effects that act as a change agent and it is all good.

This year, I will start my list with things like:

1.  I wish that my blog readers total 1 million by December 31 2009.   (Note that the request needs to be specific, and that how that gets accomplished is left to the Universe.)

2.  I wish that my dining room table and chairs be delivered by January 23rd, without any damage to any piece of furniture.  (The first set had damaged legs and arms on chairs and damaged table legs.)

3.  I wish to create five new Angels And Ancestors workshops by June 30 2009. 

I offer that preparing this list of 101 wishes is a good way to tell Great Spirit and our Angels And Guides what it is that you want so they will begin working on fulfilling what it is THEY think you need.

When I have completed my list, I will send up all of the wishes with the flame of several candles, and then blow the candles out, much like blowing out the candles on a birthday cake.  Well, it is the birthday of a New Year, so I guess that is appropriate.

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve!


  1. i think the archive you wirte is very good, but i think it will be better if you can say more..hehe,love your blog,,,

  2. Thanks. I simply say what I need to say at the time.

  3. Good article, good things, good feelings, good BLOG!


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