Monday 15 September 2008

Ancestors Speak - Ancient Forests

The remains of a tree that grew about 300 million years agoimage - from the researchers at the University of Bristol.

Ancient trees recorded in mines

Mother Earth is trying to send us messages.  Never before the last five years have there been so many startling discoveries about the past.  When something gets uncovered, one often hears the expression about "giving up secrets".  Mother Earth is telling us the story of how land can flourish, and then be covered up very quickly by seas of water, to have the land shift once again and surge upward to grow another forest, only to undergo the same cycle.


Picture of preserved vegetation from the researchers at the University of Bristol.

Our Ancestors are buried, too, in the Earth.  Part of the message from Mother Earth is that our Ancestors survived the changes - maybe not unscathed - yet certainly stronger for the challenges.  If our Ancestors could share their wisdom with us... what would they say?  It may go something like this....

"My children, we have learned that when one does not walk in harmony with the Earth Mother, we starve.  We loose the animals, the plants, and the weather.  This happened when we started to covet the other tribes' hunting grounds, instead of looking for a new area to hunt in.   We heard rumblings in the Earth.  We did not know what it meant.  When our God Talker was saying that we should move further away from the rumblings, we did not listen.  Our warriors had pride that made them want to stay and fight.  That pride cost our tribe many men!  Our old and young went hungry many times because there were no young legs to hunt.  Our God Talker talked to the Sun and to the Moon and asked for guidance.  He learned to call one animal to come close to the camp so that we Elders could kill it.  Our God Talker then did a ceremony before we feasted to honour the sacrifice of the four legged one.  We stayed in our camp until spring, even though it was colder than any spring before.  When our God Talker said we should move, we began the trek.  We left behind much that we had gathered.  Our God Talker said that it was what our warriors had taken from others that was causing the Earth Mother to grumble so.  Do not take from others - share with them, and be generous in your sharing.  This is our lesson."

If the forests that have been preserved below the ground could speak, would they echo the Ancestors? 

May you hear the wisdom of your Ancestors in your dreams!

Judith   (You can connect with your Ancestors in a Karma Clearing Session... this can be done via telephone where ever you are!

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