Sunday 10 August 2008

Spirit Animal - White Koala Bear

More and more wonderful natural phenomenon are popping up all over....  Mick the white koala bear has been discovered in Australia on September 21, 2007. 

The picture below is taken from the Reuters' clip on this little guy.


How did this come up as a spirit messenger for me?  I was looking for an article I had written a year ago.  As I sorted through the information on my backup drive, I found a file I did not recognize, and opened it.  This picture popped up.  Did I save this picture?  My logic says that I must have. However, I had to search for the story on the Koala on Reuters.  Messages do come to us in various ways!

I have learned from past experience that when a white animal appears to a person, the message is about several things:

1.  The individual has completed a task that was a challenge, and the individual completed the task beyond expectation using some initiative.

2.  White animals are associated with Gods/Goddesses/The Heavens and all things highly spiritual.  The message is that the individual is working at the highest spiritual level at that point.

3. White is the colour associated with lack of colour or, the opposite meaning, of a blend of all colours.  White is about unifying people or ideas or activities.  In my case, white is referring to unifying the different things so that a higher purpose than what I first intended, is achieved.  (This may sound cryptic, however, it is true.)

4. As much as white animals are about what has been, they are also about what is to happen.  Generally, the person will have another shift of understanding of the Earth, the Universe, and one's place in it. Some people call this "an awakening".

A Koala brings its own meaning to the message, as well.  Koala is about being slow and thorough.  It eats one thing - eucalyptus - and drinks very little water.  Koala says that one doesn't need a huge variety of food to live and Koala is the finest example of the "100 Mile Diet".  The message for those Koala appears for is to be mindful of what goes into the mouth, and to keep the food simple and to choose food grown more locally. The local food will help the digestive system clear and clear away the sluggishness one feels. Eucalyptus is a herb, and this may also be a reminder to use more natural remedies daily instead of taking over the counter or prescription medicines.

While many animals may make herds or packs with family members, Koala is about "Oneness". Koala does not like to socialize very much, and seeks independence.  The message for the recipient of Koala Medicine is to seek time alone, even isolation, preferably in an environment that is very quiet.  Perhaps the message is that it is time to take a retreat break.  The secondary meaning around Oneness is to be comfortable in one's own company.  Needing to have a break from everything and everyone on a regular basis makes it difficult for the individual to have intimate relationships.

The "up" side of being alone more often means that the individual will often live more relaxed and balanced a life style than the norm.  The person's stress is low (no meaningful relationships) and they typically are very firm in their values and beliefs since they have no one to constantly challenge and erode their beliefs. 

Having Koala come as a messenger is a keen reminder to be focused and to spend more time in meditation surrounded by silence. 

I wish you peaceful solitude for the next several days.



  1. thank you, this is just beautiful, koala came to me in a dream the other night and since I have been seeking solitude. It is a great confirmation, and rememberance that our local foods carry more kinetic energy for us to obtain, I would love to repost this with credit, let me know if that presents a challenge for you,
    love n' light,

  2. Hello Cloverlane27,
    Thanks for your affirmation of Koala Bear! I would be delighted if you would share this post on Koala Bear, attributing the work to Angels And Ancestors and including the website and blog.

    May your New Year be filled with love, light, and laughter!


Thanks for reading this blog post. Sharing is good if it is kind and either has questions or tells about an experience.
