Friday 25 July 2008

Spirit Animal - Meadow Vole Brings a Message

image Picture from Wikipedia - "Meadow Vole"


I often equate my morning walk with a morning meditation since it seems that out in nature, I receive much guidance that is simply given to me because I show up!  This morning was no exception. 

The dogs and I had already hiked over a mile, and we were following a path that took us through some low woodland and meadow area in the park.  As I looked up the path ahead, I could see a small brownish/black animal running along the path.  I glanced at the dogs.  No reaction!  What was going on? Sage, our golden retriever, is very alert and is the first to spot something moving, and is very eager to catch up to it.  As we neared the small animal, I could see that it was mouse-like.  And, still there was no reaction from the dogs!  When we were almost on top of it, the small beastie crawled under some low lying long grass and flowers. 

Since I wasn't sure what it was, I looked for a picture of it when I got home.  I knew that since the dogs were unaware of it, that the animal was for me to see, and that it was to give me a message.  Now, I just needed to get the message interpreted. 

The little guy was a Vole.  It was long and chunky and seemed more black that brown and had almost no tail.  It was not in any big hurry, and as previously mentioned, finally crawled off the path when we were close to it.  The message in this seemed to be two-fold.

1.  The dogs could not see the animal, but I could.  So, the message is that you will see what you put your attention on, and the more you stand back and look, the clearer the range of details will be.  You will see the forest and the trees and the grass and all that is.

2.  The second message is about being invisible.  Sometimes we are most invisible when we are most obvious!  This means that we can be with others and yet be invisible to them so they do not feel threatened by the power or vibration an individual may carry.  As people have been channelling about the energy recently, it seems that the majority of people are feeling low energy, sickly, depressed, stuck, and many are loosing their jobs/identity.  Therefore, people react, usually with suspicion, to anyone who seems different - and doesn't feel like they do. 

Since I really did not know much about the Vole, I did some reading about it.  I was amazed to learn that it has four toes on the front feet and five toes on the back feet.  The number nine symbolizes completeness and also in some languages means both the number nine and the word "new".  (Neuf means both nine and new in French, and I believe the German language has a similar meaning for the number nine.)  So, for me, I gathered that part of my life was now complete.  It certainly feels that way.  And, I am now preparing for the next stage, or the new life.  The colour "black" is associated with magic. However, it is also often associated with the blank screen - the black screen that shows up just before the movie starts.  Black animals are often referred to as messengers for Great Spirit. Since many things have happened to me before they have happened to the main stream, this interpretation also felt correct.

I am now mentally preparing for the next big set of changes that Vole indicates will happen.  Perhaps I will be able to become invisible at will - by being able to blend in better or by consciously shifting my focus. That will be something to look forward too!

May all be well in your world, and may you experience the excitement of something new!




  1. I was browsing the Internet for a few minutes and came across this post, which is odd because on my walk this morning, I saw a vole for the very first time. My little dog went nose to nose with it and it didn't run away.

    Perhaps this is a message to me to not run away from confrontation, which is something I usually do.

    My name is also Judy

  2. Thank you for posting about Voles.
    Most sites class them with mice, but they're not the same.
    Very thorough.


  3. OMG - this is perfect... several nights ago, I was standing outdoors in the small tourist town where I reside, behind a small building, purposefully in the shadows. I just wanted to gaze at the stars in peace, as I was waiting for the bus to come. Well, to the side of the building is a small area of dirt and weeds, and a vole popped out! I was acutely aware of it, and watched it scamper around, looking for seeds to eat... I sent it energy and it knew it - and I told it of course, I was doing the same - wanting to hide in plain sight... just 'be'. lol And the latter statement is one of my favorite.. So.. Judy and Judy! Thank you - and btw - our dogs hunt, chase and try to kill them too, so I was stunned to read how your dogs did't see them... what great insight on your part! oh - lol - the next evening, a cat came around and waited with me --- kept trying to get me to walk on into the shadow and lights of the building next door! Too funny!

  4. Nice to find that somebody has written something on the vole! We have one living in the garden, it has no fear of me and the first time I saw it it crept 2 foot from me and stole some bird food. This is a little rusty fellow and cannot see his ears. Really not sure what it was meaning for me...

  5. Wow that's crazy this morning I was sitting on my front porch and right in the natural area in front of me about4-5ft away I heard some leaves rustling and looked, a Lil vole runs across the leaves and stops than a 2nd one runs to it then they began to run around in somewhat like circles like they were playing with each other and I watched for bout5-6mins before they disappeared, then about 15mins later a squirrel come over with a nut in his mouth and sits down right in front of me, staring into my eyes, I coulda reached down and pet it, then it hops away happily. I need help interpreting all this. Yesterday morning I was terminated by my job and I have tried to be positive about it and look at what I have a beautiful,loving and supportive wife, with2 healthy little boys and here I am. What's these special events mean to me and my life the voles have popped up like 3 times..

  6. Thank you for sharing your reflection of the Vole totem :-)

  7. It is exactly what I needed and rings true. Thank you for your insight.


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