Tuesday 15 July 2008

Spirit Animal - Mallard Duck


"Two mallard ducks out of water"

Copyright May 2008 by Judith Hirst-Joyeux

Each day for several weeks, my dogs and I would find these two mallard ducks walking along the path ahead of us.  It seemed so odd that these animals which are normally afraid of humans and most things, for that matter, would persist in being on the path.  They very seldom flew away.  Most often, they would simply waddle down the bank into the channel of water and swim away.  One of the days, they simply did not want to move.  My dogs were so puzzled, they sat down on the path and watched them.

So, what was going on with these ducks?  I know that ducks are about emotion since they swim on and in the water, and water represents emotion.  They are very comfortable in that environment and that means they are comfortable with emotions, and may even use emotion as a form of protection.  Water is critical to the life of all on the planet, so duck is about nurturing and the feminine.

As I thought about these characteristics, none of them seemed to resonate.  Maybe the duck is just likes land!  Then a splash of images flowed through my mind.  Duck was setting an example.  It had picked a path, and nothing, even beings bigger than it was, could move it quickly off the path.  When it felt uncomfortable enough, it would then move back into the water environment. And, after a time, would come back out and keep trudging onward. 

Duck was showing me that I was very comfortable in my zone.  I was not moving much out of it, even though there were those people that wanted me to teach them knowledge that I had.  I was not moving forward as quickly as I should on my path which would help others to then learn and walk their path more quickly.  I was not nurturing students that needed teaching. 

Wow! Duck was teaching me a BIG lesson.  I was in a place of complacency.  I was not being all that I could be.  I decided to write more - my frequency of blogs has increased.  I have also reviewed my early lessons and I am beginning the re-write of the first modules in the StarWalker program. In May, I took on two new students.  When I completed these steps, duck no longer showed up on my path.

I wish you happy visits from Great Spirit!




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