Tuesday 6 May 2008

Spirit Animals –Bobcat

clip_image002Bobcat in the grass!

Picture courtesy of Wikipedia Commons  Public Domain.

Bobcat is often associated with new lessons and with growth in spirituality.  Weighing in between 15 to 25 pounds, the Bobcat doesn’t move fast. However it can leap up to eight feet to land on prey. Bobcat will actually pounce on yearling fawns and antelope.  In November and December of 2007, bobcats were sighted by residents who live along Fish Creek Park in Calgary.

On January 11, 2008, a Bobcat walked into Paul Nicholas’s store in Whistler. The tourists had been taking pictures of the bobcat and it sought shelter in the store, “far from the maddening crowd”. Mr. Nicholas said that he and his customers were not fearful because the Bobcat was calm and went in and sat behind the cash register in a crouch very much like a house cat. In November and December of 2007, bobcats were sighted by residents who live along Fish Creek Park in Calgary. This reclusive animal is listed as a “sensitive species” in Alberta. So, why is it suddenly showing up in different places?

If you have Bobcat as a spirit animal, then Bobcat has a message for you. It is time to make a change. While Bobcats teach us to be alone without being lonely, and to quickly train our young to fend for themselves, these Bobcats are saying that it is time to come out of isolation and walk with people again. Bobcats show they carry magic and mystery by their black and white markings against their beige or brown fur. Because the animal blends so well with desert, plain, forest and mountain, the Bobcat is regarded as the keeper of secrets of wisdom. In Munay-Ki, we call them Wisdom Keepers. The Bobcat is choosing NOW to share the wisdom. One lesson it teaches is how to draw from the land to live. Bobcat eats carrion, mice, rabbits, squirrels, rats, and insects so it never wants for food. It is discerning in where it goes and who it allows to see it. This animal has keen night vision so sees equally well in the darkness and the light. Therefore, very little can be hidden from this animal. People with this spirit animal usually have keen psychic ability and are also very perceptive about other people’s body language and actions. This animal moves silently and often startles those that meet up with it. Are you cloaking or masking yourself? It has a very large yowling sound which sometimes paralyzes its prey. When the true you does emerge, are you startling those around you? Maybe now is the time to expand your knowledge and share what you know.


  1. Hello! Bobcat came to me last night and even though i knew She had a message for me, I had no idea what it could be. Your post makes perfect sense and I just wanted to say thank you very much.

  2. Thanks for letting me know that this helped. I am a fan of Bobcat, and love to hear stories about how she approaches people. Perhaps you have a story to share?

  3. Hi Judith, I just saw a bobcat cub as I was driving home. I live in the country or what I call the tame prairie.
    The bobcat was trotting on the road before me. I slowed, of course, thinking it was just a cat. But when it turned to the side and trotted leisurely into the pasture, I saw the bobtail, the coloring and the face. Before Bobcat cub moved into the pasture, it halted and gazed fully in my direction. Too cool!

  4. I am amazed that Bobcat was on the road! It definitely wanted to give you a message in person. Lucky you!

  5. i had a dream where i was with strangers at night in a wooded park at night. i got on a swing and swung upwards and the swing stretched and i was in an arc above the trees. i swung up to a tree , past the branches and came to rest high upon the trunk. a large hole was in the tree, and out of it came 3 animals: a bobcat cub, a tree bird and a regular house kitten. suddenly some older birds came and attacked me but i got away and swung back downwards, after grabbing the bobcat and bird, leaving the house kitten behind. however, the house kitten leaped into my arms and i took all three back down with me. as i was swinging down, i saw that there were power lines beneath me and i saw sparks of electricity emanating from where my swing line was about to touch the power lines. it suddenly began to rain as i came down near the power lines and i was afraid of electrocution, but i looked at the animals and suddenly my swing swung out of harms way and i came to rest upon the ground.

    i came near some people and handed the bobcat and the bird to a middle aged woman sitting on a lawn chair and asked her to hold them for me when i returned because i was going to swing back up and return the house kitten to the hole in the tree because i didnt want it and wanted the two more exotic animals. she silently took the two animals and i swung back up into the heights of the trees again, but as i did so, i saw that the bobcat cub and the bird had escaped her and she was chasing after them, so i knew that i had lost those two animals. as i swung up into the night sky and into the heights of the trees again, i noticed that the house kitten never attempted to escape from me and snuggled closer to me as if it wanted to stay with me. i went up into the trees again, but i could not find the hole in the tree from which the kitten had come.

    then my dream ended before i came back down again.

    what does the dream mean.

    i must admit that there is danger in my life right now and people wishing to harm me.

    i look forward to your reply.

  6. I was sitting facing a window (North)
    checking my e-mail. I looked up there was a beautiful bobcat outside. WE looked at each other and i was overwhelmed. I have never seen a bobcat before.
    The bobcat in bright daylight just strolled up the hill and into the woods. He has been stuck in my mind.The message?

  7. In New Orleans a tarot reader pointed out my connection to Bobcat with out me giving out any info about myself. Funny this as I have been practicing the wisdom of only letting be known what needs to be, the rest silent. Bobcat has been for me the guardian of secrets.
    Bobcat came into my life when a very close friend gave me a intact bobcat pelt that had been passed down in his family.

  8. Thank you for posting more on Bobcat.

    When I was very young (I believe I was 4-5 years old.), I had an encounter with a Bobcat. I was in daycare and we were outside havign recess. I saw a Bobcat come up to our fencing (Obviously so the children don't get out...) and I went closer to it. I held my hand out and brush my hand up againest it's fur. Even though it was wild, it acted extremly tame to me. A staff member then picked me up away from it.

    That's all I can remember, even though I was young, I still remember it very well.

  9. Tonight on the Full (Wolf) Moon, running up in the hills, a Bobcat revealed itself to me on the trail. Stunning. Stealth. We stared at each other completely startled. I sensed his power, ready to pownce on my jagular if need be. 'I come in peace. I come in peace,' I prayed. The Bobcat walked off into the brush. And I heard 'You passed the test.' Life is amazing. What an adventure!

  10. I was on my back porch tonight and I was thinking about certain aspects of my life at this point in time, and I realized that I have cut myself off and become isolated from a lot of the things I used to do and people in general. As soon as I realized that point, I heard a Bobcat growl, and make some low guttural noises. I was startled. It took me a minute to figure out what I was hearing, but as soon as I did I knew I was receiving a message. I came inside and looked up your blog and as I read, tears came to my eyes. Thank you for posting this. I had a spiritual experience tonight and I thank Bobcat for her/his message loud and clear!

  11. Bholman1973 - thank you for posting this. Your experience validates my experiences with the animals. Thank you!

  12. Was under the influence of something spiritual... 3 bobcats jumped from the trees and started howling. I was sitting outside at 4am smoking a cigarette listening to some music. When they jumped I saw bright eyes and serious howling. I know this is a late message in regads to tye forum but that was defintiely interesting

  13. When something happens in threes, we must pay attention. In this case, you are being serenaded by the Past, Present, and Future. Blessings. Judy

  14. I was having a moment and bawling and I drive up my street and bobcat walks down from a lot I just bought to build a house on, and crosses the street right in front of the car and walks down the right side of the road, in the passenger side of my car.

  15. Not sure if anyone is still tracking this thread, but worth a shot. I encountered a bobcat for the 5th time today in the last 5 years. This morning I found a bobcat sleeping outside my window. I spent a good hour observing him and he would look up at me every so often. This is the second sighting in the last month. Previously I had encountered a bobcat on 2 separate occasions while hiking and saw one cross the road a 5th time. I'm wondering if there is any symbolism to this. I also came face to face with a mountain lion about a year and we had a bit of stare down before he moved along.

  16. Hello, Anonymous. Yes, this blog is still very active. Thank you for posting about your experience with Bobcat. If Bobcat shows up in your experience, then indeed, it is symbolic. Bobcat represents the solitary life, and the keeping of secrets and, the sounds of silence. Bobcat's gift to you is to help you attune to the sounds that are mostly unheard by other people. He helps you find things that are hidden, and to bring forth truths to light. Bobcat will help you refine your intuition. Blessings, Judy

  17. Tonight I was just walking around the neighborhood (which is right on a lake) and I was reading an article from my phone, when I looked up from the screen there was a bobcat sitting in the road not even ten feet from where I stood. This isn't my first encounter with the magical cat, she has been with me since I was a small child. When I continue my walk down to the beach she was already there, waiting for me... This time she sat further away, but just close enough that I could still feel her powerful presences.

  18. A few nights ago, I dreamt a kitten was following me around. Then the kitten went under the bed. As I looked under the bed, the kitten & a bird had given birth to a baby bobcat. Yet, he was larger than the bird & the kitten. He stood there looking brilliant & fearless. The bird ran behind the bobcat & hid.The kitten ran & hid behind me. Any ideas as to what this could mean?

  19. A few nights ago, I dreamt a kitten was following me around. Then the kitten went under the bed. As I looked under the bed, the kitten & a bird had given birth to a baby bobcat. Yet, he was larger than the bird & the kitten. He stood there looking brilliant & fearless. The bird ran behind the bobcat & hid.The kitten ran & hid behind me. Any ideas as to what this could mean?

  20. Hi Deborah,
    Thanks for sharing your dream. The dream is powerful because two beings produce a third being - the Bobcat. Generally, the images in dreams represent something in our lives. The odd thing is that the kitten, not full grown, seems to give birth. Is there something in your life that is not yet developed that will possibly turn into something new and bigger?
    Blessings, Judy


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